About Us
To encourage, incorporate, empower, and advance, evidenced-based education, knowledge, and expertise, of nurses within Herbalism, as instruments of gentle, holistic, catalysts of change and healing, of self, clients, families, and communities, and to promote research, advocacy, education, and scholarship in the field of herbalism within nursing and the recognition of herbalism as an “official nursing specialty” by all other nursing organizations.
Revitalizing herbalism as a specialty within nursing by returning nursing to its long-standing history and roots in the knowledge and incorporation of traditional indigenous uses and application of gentle plant remedies.
All nurses with the training, skills, and knowledge of herbalism, or interested in learning about and incorporating herbalism into their care of clients must encourage and support each other, and organize together in a movement towards the return and recognition of herbalism as an “official nursing specialty” to be recognized by all other professional nursing organizations.
Our goal is to empower nurses interested in the practice of herbalism to seek education in the specific field of botanical therapies, and understand the safe integration and application of herbalism, using state statutes and steps of the scientific, nursing process, with the evidenced-based application of herbal remedies.